Microwave bistatic detector
FMC 24 Pro
Warranty 3 year ( from 1st of May, 2023)
FMC 24 Pro (50 m; 100 m; 200m; 300m) microwave bistatic detectors used to guard the surrounding territory of the object.
K band frequency
Built-in Bluetooth
Built-in USB
Built-in RS-485
8 independent channels
Possibility of protecting the sensor output wire from sabotage
For adjustment android and windows devices can be used
Microwave bistatic detector
FMC 10
FMC 10 (50 m; 100m; 200m) microwave bistatic detectors used to guard the surrounding territory of the object.
X band frequency
4 independent channels
For adjustment android and windows devices can be used
Warranty 2 years